During the warmer months of 2024, Stempra organised free lunchtime online training sessions! All members were invited to attend four masterclasses that took place through June and July. Each session was run by an expert on their topic and provided useful guidance for science communication and engagement professionals.
#1. Social media for science communicators: 12-1pm Weds 5th June
Run by Sasha Arms, a copywriter and communications professional since 2004, this session will cover:
- Overview of key social channels, best type of content for each (including creating assets).
- Focus on Instagram and LinkedIn.
- Horizon scanning on social media – opportunities and threats.
- Planning and measuring campaigns, best metrics to show impact.
- Handling harassment/abuse.
#2. The power of human content in an AI world: 12-1pm Weds 26th June
Also run by Sasha, this session will cover:
- Making science stories accessible (including plain English tips).
- Case studies – how, why, when.
- Maximising the content production process (producing content in different formats).
- Using AI tools like Chat GPT, including when AI can help or hinder.
#3. How to best support your spokespeople: 12-1pm Weds 10th July
Run by Helen Glanville, director of Hawkeye Media™. For more than 15 years Helen was a senior producer, director and programme editor of mainstream factual BBC TV programmes and for the last 14 years Helen has been media training UK. This masterclass will cover:
- Tips to give your spokespeople to make science exciting to mainstream media
- How to anticipate question areas and prepare your spokespeople effectively.
- Training spokespeople to bring key messages to interviews quickly and effectively
- Preparing spokespeople for difficult, hostile or unexpected questions
#4. Crisis comms for beginners: 12-1pm Thurs 25th July
Run by Kate Betts, a former BBC journalist who set up Capital B Media in 2006. This session is aimed at those with little experience of crisis comms and will give an overview of:
- What is a crisis?
- How does a risk or issue become a crisis? And can you stop it?
- Communication in a crisis – who are you talking to and what are you saying?
- Making a crisis communications plan.