A guest blog post by ruth

May 2, 2023

1 min read

Date and time: Wed, 17 May 2023 19:00 – 20:30 BST

Where: Online (registration details below)

One of the key parts of a press officer’s role is to work with film crews to help bring research to the screen through news stories and documentaries. But what should you consider when working with film crews to help them will have people sitting on the edge of their seats? What do you need to pitch for broadcast and how can you prepare your spokespeople? Our panel will bring the perspective of journalists, documentary makers and PR professionals. They will cover the aspects that should be considered when pitching a piece for broadcast, what visual elements can help bring a story to life, common pitfalls to avoid and much more.

The panel will include:


  • Jess Devonport, Stempra Events Officer and Senior Consultant, Kekst CNC

To register please go to our Eventbrite page.