The name of the association shall be Stempra (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine Public Relations Association). Hereafter it will be referred to as the Association.
The Association shall:
(a) encourage the free flow of accurate information from organisations and individuals working in science, technology, engineering and medicine to appropriate and various publics in order that their disciplines are better known;
(b) provide a forum for discussion and dissemination between its members on pertinent issues, working for the furtherance of good communication practice;
(c) provide opportunities for its members to receive and develop training seminars and workshops, as well as professional development events in order to improve their professional skills and knowledge, delivered as cost effectively as possible;
(d) provide opportunities for skill transfer between its members, and encourage individual members to disseminate best practice to others within the Association.
The Association shall be open to any person working within or on behalf of organisations, as defined by paragraph 2(a) above, in the areas of press relations, public relations or communications.
(a) No individual will be deemed to be a member until the annual fee has been paid.
(b) The Association shall have the power to elect Honorary Members, who shall be members for life and who shall pay no annual membership fee. The sole criterion for election to Honorary Membership shall be that the person elected, in the opinion of the membership, has significantly contributed to work within the areas outlined within the Association’s aims.
(c) The Association, being a voluntary body, will assume that members will give of their time, effort, enthusiasm and knowledge to the Association for no profit to themselves and expects its members to behave in such ways so as not to bring into disrepute either the Association or the ‘profession’ of scientific public relations and communications.
The annual fee for membership of the Association shall be determined by the AGM on the recommendation of the Treasurer and the Committee.
(a) The Association’s committee and or general membership shall have the power to waive the membership fee or part thereof, e.g. where a new member is joining in the last 3 months of the Association’s year.
(b) The Association’s financial year shall run from 1 January to 31 December.
5: A.G.M.
The Association shall have an Annual General Meeting normally to be held not later than the last day of March.
(a) At least six weeks notice shall be given to the membership of the date, time and place of the A.G.M. including details of any Committee vacancies and Committee members wishing to stand for re-election and information on how members can stand for election.
(b) Individual members may stand for election to the Committee by placing their nominations before the Secretary, in writing, at least 4 weeks before the date of the A.G.M. All nominations require the signature of a proposer and a seconder from among the Association membership.
(c) At least 21 days notice shall be given to the membership of the full agenda for theA.G.M.
(d) No business shall be dealt with at an A.G.M. unless a quorum is present; the quorum for the A.G.M. shall be a majority of committee members – officers and ordinary members but must include the Chair and Treasurer – plus an equal number plus one from the membership.
(e) The A.G.M. shall: (i) elect the officers, ordinary committee members and two Honorary Auditors; (ii) receive a report from the chair; (iii) receive the audited accounts and a report from the Treasurer; (iv) conduct such other business as is deemed appropriate.
(f) Individual members may place business before the A.G.M. by placing the motion or the nomination before the Secretary, in writing, at least 4 weeks before the date of the A.G.M. All motions and nominations require the signature of a proposer and a seconder.
(g) The committee shall ensure that minutes are made of all proceedings at the A.G.M.; a minute shall include the names of those present, and (if possible) shall be approved by the Chairperson of the meeting.
The Association may hold Special General Meetings.
(a) At least 21 days’ notice shall be given to the membership of the date, time, place and business for the meeting. No other business except that notified may be carried out aSpecial General Meeting.
(b) A Special General Meeting may be convened either (i) at the decision of the Committee;or (ii) at the request of 10 individual members writing to the Secretary.
(c) On receipt of a valid request the Secretary shall convene the meeting within 8weeks.
(d) No business shall be dealt with at an S.G.M. unless a quorum is present; the quorum for the S.G.M. shall be at least a majority of committee members – officers and ordinary members but must include the Chair and Treasurer – plus at least an equal number plus one from the membership.
The Association shall elect a committee at its A.G.M. each year.
(a) The Committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the Association between meetings of the A.G.M.
(b) The Committee’s responsibility is to run the Association in the pursuit of its aims as efficiently and effectively as possible.
(c) The Committee shall reflect the variety of backgrounds of the membership. The Committee shall comprise: a Chair or two co-Chairs; a Secretary; a Treasurer; a Membership Secretary; an Events Coordinator; a Web & Online Manager; a Newsletter Editor; a Social Media Coordinator; plus six ordinary members
(d) The Association’s Officers (Chair, Secretary, treasurer, a Membership Secretary, Events Coordinator, Web & Online Manager, Newsletter Editor, and Social Media Coordinator) shall be elected for a two-year term of office, and may be reelected for no more than three consecutive terms.
(e) The six ordinary members of the Committee shall be elected for a two year term. All ordinary Committee members may be re-elected for no more than three consecutive terms.
(f) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt individuals for either specific projects or periods of time Co-optees shall have not voting rights on the Committee.
(g) The Committee shall have the power to set-up sub-committees, working parties, and/or project groups in pursuit of the Association’s aims.
(h) The Chair shall be the titular head of the Association and shall normally Chair each meeting of the Committee and Chair the Association’s A.G.M. In the absence of the Chair at a Committee meeting the Committee shall appoint a temporary Chair from amongst its number. If the Chair steps down before there is time to officially appoint a new one, the committee may vote in an interim Chair or two co-Chairs until the official replacement process has taken place. The committee will commence recruitment as soon as possible offering sufficient notice to the membership as would be done for the A.G.M.
(i) The Secretary, as a minimum, shall ensure proper notice of the A.G.M. is given to all members; shall act as secretary to the Committee and to the A.G.M.; and be the principal contact for both members and external bodies.
(j) The Treasurer, as a minimum, shall ensure that membership fees are collected and suitably banked, ensure that appropriate fees and expenses are disbursed, provide a written and audited report (accounts) to the A.G.M. each year.
(k) The Events Coordinator, as a minimum, shall ensure that all ‘events’ which are held under the auspices of the Association are effectively and efficiently administered.
(l) The Web & Online Manager, as a minimum, shall ensure that Stempra’s website is regularly updated, as well as maintaining and developing it as appropriate. In addition, the person will maintain and enhance the online presence of Stempra using appropriate other online tools (eg social networking sites)
(m) The Newsletter Editor, as a minimum, shall ensure that members receive a newsletter containing relevant and useful content at regular intervals. The newsletter must be in a readable and accessible format and should be distributed to all of the Association’s members.
(n) The Membership Secretary, as a minimum, shall collect payment from new members and renewals from existing members. The person will ensure all appropriate databases are up-to-date with contact details and membership status.
(o) The Social Media Coordinator shall as a minimum regularly update and monitor the Association’s social media platforms, including maintaining a regular presence and reacting/responding where appropriate to enquiries or comments. The position will also oversee website responsibilities if the Web & Online Manager is unavailable
(p) The Committee shall meet as often as required, but not less than four times during the year. Committee members will be entitled to receive expenses from the Association’s funds for any duties duly authorised. Expenses will be repaid on the basis of actual costs incurred.
(q) The Committee shall ensure that minutes are made of all proceedings at all meetings;a minute shall include the names of those present, and (if possible) shall be approved by the Chairperson of the meeting.
(a) All decisions within the Association shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote. Every member shall have one vote which must be given personally.
(b) If there are an equal number of votes for, and against, any resolution, theChairperson shall be entitled to a casting vote.
(c) If a secret ballot is required, it shall be held at the meeting and shall be conducted in such a manner as the Chairperson may direct; the result of the ballot shall be declared at the meeting.
The Constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of those present and voting at a general meeting, providing due notice of the meeting, and of the resolution, is given.
The Association may be dissolved by a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of those present and voting at a general meeting of the Association, providing due notice of the meeting, and of the resolution, is given, and that meeting shall decide on how any monies in the name of the Association shall be disbursed.
Version agreed at Annual General Meeting which was held online in July 2022. It was delayed due to the sad death of our Chair before the scheduled AGM in March.