Science PR, comms and media professionals sharing advice and tips.
Regular training and networking events, live and recorded.
Career development and job posts of the latest in field positions.

A place for science professionals to connect and learn.

Run by a committee of science communication professionals from around the UK.
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Longing to tell science stories

“It’s greed that makes you fat,” wrote Amanda Platell in the Daily Mail back in 2017. “Fatties lack the willpower to stop eating.” I realise that the sole purpose of Mail columnists is to raise the nation’s blood pressure, but this piece so incensed me, I was determined to challenge in somehow. The opportunity came […]

News and Blogs
Stempra Summer Social!

Our summer networking event will take place on 22 August at the Alwyne Castle pub in Highbury, London from 19.00-22.00. Joining us will be #SciComms colleagues from ABSW and MJA – both associations’ members will be reserving their tickets separately. We held a joint summer social last year and it was fun and well attended. […]

Cautious headlines, claims and explicit limitations in press releases: the evidence so far.

Since we started on the daunting task of analysing hundreds of press releases and news articles in 2012, there have been several studies, including our own, presenting evidence on the topic of caution vs hype in news and press releases. The main conclusions from this research are: Cautious press releases still get news. The main […]

How a journalism course helped my science PR

I used to think dealing with the media was easy. In my first job which involved media relations, my press releases were widely picked up, letters to editors were usually printed, and I never had a shortage of TV and radio bids. Coverage was sympathetic and shaped the wider debate. But looking back, there were a […]

Annual Event

Find out more about our flagship annual event Press Officer Training Day run with support from EurekAlert!, Stempra’s Lead Development Partner.

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